- Faros Xenon
- Dirección asistida
- Preinstalación Teléfono móvil con Instalación Bluetooth
- Airbag conductor/acompañante
- Climatizador automático tamaño ampliado
- Sistema de alarma con Mando a distancia
- Sistema antibloqueo (ABS)
- Indicador de la temperatura exterior
- Elevalunas eléctric. delante + detrás
- dinámico control-estabilidad (DSC)
- Sistema de audio BMW Professional (Radio/Lector de CD)
-- En vía pública <80km/h (baja velocidad)
- Velocímetro
-- Sin hallazgos significativos
- Motor
-- Sin hallazgos significativos
- Marchas
-- Sin hallazgos significativos
- Dirección
-- Sin hallazgos significativos
- Suspensión
-- Sin hallazgos significativos
- Frenos
-- Sin hallazgos significativos
- Nivel ruido
-- Sin hallazgos significativos
- Aire acondicionado
-- Sin hallazgos significativos
- Navegación
-- No disponible
- Asientos calefactables
-- No disponible
Other notes: Car was stolen from 17.05.2017 to 27.09.2017 Registration papers not available. In "Country of origin", this means the car needs to pass a technical inspection again. Foreign merchants should check with their local registration authorities whether this car can be registered in their country. Declaration of loss can not be issuedOther notes: Car was stolen from 17.05.2017 to 27.09.2017 Registration papers not available. In "Country of origin", this means the car needs to pass a technical inspection again. Foreign merchants should check with their local registration authorities whether this car can be registered in their country. Declaration of loss can not be issued
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