- Bi-Xenon-Scheinwerfer mit Abbiegelicht
- Sitzheizung vorn
- Sitz vorn links elektr. höhenverstellbar
- Panorama-Glasdach mit Solar-Reflect
- Sprachsteuerung und Bluetooth-Schnittstelle
- Servolenkung, elektro-hydraulisch
- Sportsitze
- Knieairbag Fahrerseite
- Klimaautomatik 2-Zonen
- Rußpartikelfilter
- Wegfahrsperre
- Audiosystem Sony (Radio/CD-Player MP3-fähig)
- Anti-Blockier-System (ABS)
- Außentemperaturanzeige
- Elektron. Stabilitäts-Programm (ESP)
- Fensterheber elektrisch hinten
- Plats för provkörning:
-- På offentlig väg < 80 km/h (lägre hastighet)
- Instrumentpanel
-- Utan specifika anmärkningar
- Motor (provkörningsintryck)
-- Utan specifika anmärkningar
- Växellåda.
-- Utan specifika anmärkningar
- Styrning
-- Utan specifika anmärkningar
- Fjädring/chassi
-- Utan specifika anmärkningar
- Bromsar
-- Utan specifika anmärkningar
- Miss- eller oljud
-- Utan specifika anmärkningar
- Air Condition
-- Utan specifika anmärkningar
- Navigation
-- Ej tillgängligt
- Stolsvärme
-- Ej tillgängligt
Other notes: owners 17 Car available for export - docs will be sent after proof of export incl. VIN is provided (CMR/customs doc/registration in new country). The car jumps very quickly, doesn't feel good, when you accelerate this happens. It runs better when you drive at a higher speed later. But as soon as you stop and then go to accelerate again, the car jumps again a couple of times. It is a recurring fault every time you drive the car. I don't know what is wrong with the car, it could be the gearbox not working well or engine failure. Obd Will not connect. very bad battery in the car, it doesn't want to start at all sometimes. You sometimes need to use cables.Other notes: owners 17 Car available for export - docs will be sent after proof of export incl. VIN is provided (CMR/customs doc/registration in new country). The car jumps very quickly, doesn't feel good, when you accelerate this happens. It runs better when you drive at a higher speed later. But as soon as you stop and then go to accelerate again, the car jumps again a couple of times. It is a recurring fault every time you drive the car. I don't know what is wrong with the car, it could be the gearbox not working well or engine failure. Obd Will not connect. very bad battery in the car, it doesn't want to start at all sometimes. You sometimes need to use cables.
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